Thursday, August 2, 2012

School Starts For Them & "Me" Time Starts For Us

    School starts in four days and I am beginning to feel a little giddy. Although my son goes to a year round school and only gets a month off instead of two and a half, I am just as wore out as the moms who have been trying to keep their children busy all summer.  As the mother of one, there is no one else to play with.  I am the playmate.  I have to pretend that I am some sort of Pokemon or one of Sonic's friends. I have my own account on Toontown and Club Penguin, so I can be on my laptop while he is on his so we can interact on the sites.  I have also been summer school teacher, checking workbooks and book reports , lifeguard and chaperon.  I can go on and on, with all the things that I am sure many of you mothers can relate to.
     On August 6th, I will driving up to my son's school with a smile on my face and saying "good morning" to every parent that I see.  I can imagine that all parents will be exchanging knowing glances and big smiles at one another and I am sure that some of them will be fist pumping once we walk away from their children's classes after meeting their teachers.  As we drive away, many of us will release a sigh of release that summer vacation is over and we now have a couple of hours to ourselves before we pick them up.
     This past month, I have missed having lunch with my friends, my weekly massages and being able to shop ALONE!  I have longed for being able to relax after the gym, getting into the jacuzzi without my son splashing water and screaming, "Mom, look what I can do" as he performs varies tricks in the water.  Just to have a quiet house for a couple of hours is a dream come true.  What I am not looking forward to is waking up early but hey, it is give and take, right?
     So, this Sunday as I iron my son's clothes for the week, ensure that he has his backpack ready with new supplies and sitting at the front door and get him to bed by 9, I will be anticipating the hours until I drop him off for his first day in 4th grade and I know that I will join some of the other parents in a little fist pump and a couple of high fives as we celebrate the first day of school for our children and a couple of hours of "me" time for ourselves.


  1. An Interesting Blog..I can also related. However, when you guys were growing up..teachers did their jobs..most of the summer I let you guys rest and enjoy yourself during the summer break..since it was four of you plus your friends...I always had a house full of kids and noise..About a week before school started it was uniform shopping and new shoes,,very easy on the budget..what I didn't miss during the summer was the higher grocery bill...As a teacher..I never got a break from children,,,maybe a Teacher Mom..would like to add their experiences...LOL!

  2. I think parents everywhere in the country give a high-five when their kids go back to school. And although most kids wouldn't admit it, many of them are ready to return to school.

  3. I wont lie. I laughed hard at he fist pump comment... I'll be right there dancing too ;)

  4. I think you should, at the very least, pat yourself on the back for making sure your son is happy and enjoying himself over the summer. I’m sure your son is just as excited about him going back to school as you are! He must’ve missed his classroom friends. Well, now that summer shenanigans are over, it’s time to start helping him with homework and projects! Never stop being a supportive parent because you’re doing a great job so far. :D
